CATALOG NO. B89 2018
Vessel of Secrets - 12 drawings

Vessel of Secrets - 12 drawings

Book closed

Specifications Unique book
7.5 x 11.25 x 1 closed, 12 original drawings in acrylic ink on handmade paper.
Binding - Copper sheet with patina and letterpress image over binders board.
Paper by Twinrocker: Not Quite White and Mowhawk Via for interleaving and endpapers

See also Vessel of Secrets - 12 drawings, edition
Vessel of Secrets

Vessel of Secrets was inspired by "The Nature of Things" written
c. 50 BC by the Roman philosopher and poet Lucretius.

From “The Nature of Things” I distilled twelve ideas, or secrets, I consider to represent some of the fundamental ways the universe functions. The ideas deal with the physical sciences, biology and philosophy, and are personal observations. The cover image is a dodecahedron, a twelve sided perfect solid, and is the shape of the original book. This soild represented the universe in the ancient world.

Each of the twelve secrets is represented by a drawing and hand lettered text.

Vessel of Secrets - 12 drawings

Vessel of Secrets - 12 drawings

Vessel of Secrets - 12 drawings

Vessel of Secrets - 12 drawings

Vessel of Secrets - 12 drawings

Vessel of Secrets - 12 drawings

Vessel of Secrets - 12 drawings

Vessel of Secrets - 12 drawings

Vessel of Secrets - 12 drawings

Vessel of Secrets - 12 drawings

Vessel of Secrets - 12 drawings

Vessel of Secrets - 12 drawings