Number Box

Number Box

Book open with box

Specifications Unique Book
7" x 74" open - 6 hinged triple-pane panels, wood frames with enamel and ink on Mylar - wood box 5" x 12" x 8"

Permanent Collection -Miami University, King Library, Special Collections

Within a framework of hinged panels, Number Box constructs a series of lines made of polygons arranged on six triple-pane transparent screens. The polygons were derived from a grid of numbers that changed order on every line. The scale of each set of four polygons, 4 sets per line, was determined by applying a simple formula to each set of numbers.

Number Box panels open

Panels open

The Box Detail

The box Detail

The Box Detail

View through two screen segments

View through four screen segments

View through four screen segments

Polygon lines - Note that the orientation of each alternate line is reversed

Polygon lines - Note that the orientation of each alternate line is reversed vertically.

Number Box polygon line formula

Number Box polygon line formula